The Universe. . .GOD Always Answers
After 37 days, I'm back.
A Facebook "On this Day" memory prompted this blog post. As I listened; I realized that I have been aligned with my purpose since 2012. I realized that I had been viewing my alignment through a lens of productivity. I also realize that it's "okay" to step away and allow Myself to experience the process of expansion. It's actually necessary to step away to allow My Physical Body to adjust to My Subconscious Mind's acceptance of the Answer from My Higher Self.
My message to You: "When You ASK; The Universe. . .GOD Always Answers". Keep this Truth in Mind as You go about Your Life. I asked to KNOW that I was aligned with My Purpose; and It is So.
This Facebook Memory from three (3) years ago was the "answer" to My question to My Subconscious Mind last night. Listen: