Yep, that's Me!
My Sister Friend, Shanna Star wrote. . .
"Logic must be released in order for divinity to shine through unexplained miracles."
I felt that!
Releasing Logic
My life has been all about releasing logic since 18 January 2020 when I landed at Lombok International Airport in Indonesia. Two days later, I'd receive the first of many emails about the Coronavirus epidemic in China. Thirty-seven days, and an extended (30-days) visa later. . .I am writing this post from Gili Bliss Gili Air; a restaurant/smoothie bar located near Gili Air Harbor where I have been (more or less) since 24 January 2020.
That was a lot wasn't it? Read it Again. . .
What started as a solo travel experience (my FIRST) to Indonesia (nope, never visited before. . .and didn't know a SOUL!) is now a Life Experience that I'd dreamt about. . .

So here's a few peeks into my life the past 6 weeks. . .Stay Tuned for More!!