Amazing how "just having fun" leads to MORE. If you recall; i.e. actually READ my blog from two (2) months ago; you'll remember my showing up at the Mr. and Miss Puerto Vallarta bodybuilding competion. Well, I posted the video of me on stage and guess what?!! That video now has over 14,000 views on YouTube! Since then, subscribers to my channel went from 42 to now 134. This may not sound big to someone else. However, it's big for me.
Nearly 300% increase in subscribers; and the 14,000+ views on ONE video came about when I wasn't TRYING to be "deep" and "spiritual". I wasn't trying to BE anything or anyone other than ME! It was me SURRENDERING with really NO EFFORT.
I know that what I am saying is NOT a spiel spouted by so many others. As a matter of fact, I'm on "permanent hiatus" from trying so hard to convince the world to "follow/like/subscribe". What does this mean for my life coaching practice? It means that no longer think of myself as a "Life Coach".
I'm going to continue having fun posting video shorts of my workouts to my social media outlets. That's it!
JUST HAVE FUN! Look at the views. . .