Sharpening My Blade!
Last week (30 November 2018), I renewed by Personal Trainer certification for the 25th year. After 50+ years of being an athlete, I mindfully admitted that the following quote has been true for me:
Some of us are naturally talented by are not successful because we dismiss what comes easy for us as something not worth cultivating. And this is why someone with less talent but more discipline can come from behind you and surpass you in what comes to them with struggle. Develop skill in what comes naturally for you. Push past your safe zone and go beast mode for what you want. Stop sleeping on your gifts and sharpen your blade!
-Salkis Re, Artist
In Beast Mode!
Holistic Mind & Body Training is a SERVICE within Emotional Physical Therapy coaching; It IS the Physical component of Emotional Physical Therapy.
Stay Tuned to my social media for the LAUNCH of a concept that I have held within my Soul for nearly 10 years! Yes, I'm pushing past my safe zone and going BEAST Mode!
In the mean time. . .
Check out this video. . .