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Mind Muscle Training

Shadow Work for Life

January 15, 2024

Four years ago today, I was preparing to embark upon my first solo trip to a place I'd never visited (Indonesia). As I reflect on the experience that led to my living in Mexico for nearly 3 years, and moving to Barbados; I celebrate the change in My Narrative. . . . THE Narrative.

The Only Narrative that matters is the one that plays continuously in My Mind. Limiting beliefs and emotional patterns have impacted my life, and ultimately, my narrative. Clearing these beliefs and facing the inner shadows that underlie the beliefs has been challenging to say the least. An integral aspect of the experience is accepting that it is lifelong.

Clearing beliefs and shadow work has become my Mind Muscle Training.

Moving to Barbados last September, I was attached to my plan. I moved forward diligently "working the plan". Where just 12 months before, opportunities flowed to me easily and effortlessly; working the plan, opportunities were like vapors.

Enter the limiting beliefs that require(d) releasing. In desperation, I told myself that I had no "time" for integration. . .

I resisted "the waiting period". And then,

I opened up. I became vulnerable.

My Narrative changed.

My consistent Mind Muscle Training yielded not the results that I was "desperate" to achieve. At the most intense moments; when I feel the emotional pain in my physical body, I asked,

"Is this working?" "Is it POSSIBLE?"

This is where my bodybuilding mindset "kicked in". Spirit shows Me daily how the disciplined lifestyle I love: training and eating for the "end goal"; is the same discipline that yields change in my mindset about what is possible in my life.

The Universe reminded me that when I boarded the plane in Zhengzhou, China on January 15, 2020 for my solo 3-week vacation starting in Kuta Lombok, Indonesia and eventually living on Gili Air, Indonesia; I had no idea of the alchemical/spiritual transformation I would begin.

And Begin

And Begin

And Begin