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6 Basic Principles of Ho'oponopono

March 18, 2018

No Dispute

It's not "lost" to me that Joe Vitale and Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len published "Zero Limits: the Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace & More" in 2007. I already know that there are no coincidences. . .only synchronicities. So, the FACT, that this book was published the YEAR that I determined that I was going to "Change My Mind" so I wouldn't REPEAT the experience(s) I was leaving. . . . It's also not surprising that the SIX (6) basic principles of "Zero Limits" took a few years for me to accept.

Appendix A: Zero Limits Basic Principles

Pages 199-201

  1. You don't have a clue what is going on. Your conscious mind isn't the creator.
  2. You don't have control over everything. Surrender is key.
  3. You can heal whatever comes your way. Whatever appears in your life, no matter how it got there, is up for healing simply because it's now on your radar.
  4. You are 100% responsible for all you experience. What happens in your life is not your fault, but it is your responsibility.
  5. Your ticket to zero limits is saying the phrase "I love you." Saying "I love you" is the open sesame to experience the Divine.
  6. Inspiration is more important than intention. Intention is a toy of the mind; inspiration is a directive from the Divine. 

My Soul is Ready