As I write this post, I am 24 Days to My 59th Birthday. . .
This was Me Saturday May 28, 2022 competing in the Mr and Miss Puerto Vallarta (Mexico) bodybuilding competition.

I was the OLDEST Woman competing in the ENTIRE Show and was placed in the Novice group which was comprised of 18-23 year-old young women. I didn't care.
All instructions were in Spanish and my Spanish is "negligible". I didn't care.
I was the only Black Person. I didn't care.
I posted this video to my YouTube channel 3 weeks ago…and I saw that it has over 5,000 views.
I know that’s MORE than ALL of My 10 years of YouTube videos COMBINED!!
My PREVIOUS videos/messages were ones where I put a lot of THOUGHT into them…
THIS was just Me Being Me. I HONESTLY don’t KNOW what is “Next”. BUT, I do KNOW that Whatever “IT” is…
It IS My Authentic Self.